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Here you’ll find info on joining spearfishing clubs in the UK as well as the latest on spearfishing competitions.

You can also see our SFUK competitions page here.

Spearfishing clubs and competitions

Spearfishing competitions

Each year there are about 6 spearfishing competitions in the UK with the best spearo’s often representing GB abroad. The goal of the competitions is to catch as many fish (up to 10 max), in as many different species as possible.  Any fish deemed ‘not sporting’ will be off the hit list while everything else … Read more

Spearfishing clubs

UK Spearfishing Buddy’s Facebook group If you don’t fancy joining a full on club and just want to find a couple of buddies to dive with in your local area, then join a Facebook page called UK Spearfishing Buddy’s.  Its a closed group and is run by some great admins who will help you get into … Read more

British Spearfishing Association (BSA)

The British spearfishing association is the official body of spearfishing in the UK.  It’s a non-profit orientated group dedicated to representing the best interests of the sport.  They have multiple objectives including raising the awareness of the sport, the safety of it and also the facilitation of competitions.They also train and push the British spearfishing … Read more