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Salvimar Sea Walker Ladies 5.5mm /M – Repaired


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SKU: Salvimar Sea Walker Ladies wetsuit 5.5mm-1 Categories: , Tag:

The Salvimar Sea Walker Lady wetsuit is made specifically for the female spearfishing enthusiast. It comes as a two-piece wetsuit with jacket and high-waisted trousers.

The outer material is made from ultra-elastic spandex lining. The internal material is made from Q-FOAM split neoprene. There are also reinforcements on the breastbone and knees.

Technical specifications

  • 5.5mm
  • Two piece wetsuit for female spearfisher
  • Jacket and high-waisted trousers
  • Outer material: ultra – elastic spandex lining
  • Internal material: Q-FOAM split neoprene
  • Protection material: PuffGum
  • Reinforcements on the breastbone and the knees
  • Double cross stitching for maximum tightness
  • Double button closure
  • Double GBS cross seam for maximum strength and seal
  • Beavertail seal
  • CRSS (Camo Round Seal System) external

Wetsuit garment

Jacket and high waist trousers

Wetsuit Size



Wetsuit colour


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