On this page we answer some common questions regarding the laws and licensing requirements for spearguns and spearfishing in the UK. You may also want to check out our travel FAQs which include advice on packing your equipment. If you’re just starting out, why not check out our great value packages? Check out the legal info on size guides and limits here
Is spearfishing legal in the UK?
Spearfishing is legal in the UK during the day and you don’t need a licence. However, spearfishing is limited to tidal areas, so you can spearfish all along the coastline.
The only places you can't spearfish in the UK are freshwater places such as rivers, lakes - it's forbidden there.
There has also been an increase in protected marine areas - these aren't very common but they do exist. These are traditionally classed as breeding grounds for juvenile fish such as sea bass that we as spearos are obviously keen to honour and protect for future stock levels!
As of 2019, spearfishing has been outlawed at night, so from dusk until dawn you're not permitted to spearfish. Prior to this spearfishing at night was a hugely popular section of the sport and it's a great shame that it has been banned with no real justification or consideration to why people would actually hunt at night, namely that during winter specifically, most people get up when its dark and when they finish work it's dark - so night spearfishing is the only time they can actually get out to spearfish. other than that, many species that we like to target are nocturnal, meaning that hunting them during the deay is just not feasible or at best, incredibly tricky. It was a blanket ban tagged on from the EU so it may be that when we leave the EU this could be readdressed or reevaluated - but I suppose it's unlikely.
When it comes to legalities for spearfishing, the only other thing to bear in mind is that we are subject to the same laws as sea anglers concerning the minimum sizes of particular species, together with any catch limits. It’s also against the law to take some species, such as sea salmon.
If you're just getting into spearfishing, it's important that you take the time to learn all of the different species that you're likely to encounter. Get a good idea for the sizes that you're allowed to take and educate yourself on the restrictions regarding species, catch limits and measurements.
You'll find that largely the minimum sizes of fish are way smaller than what you'd want to take anyway. The exception to this is the popular sea bass which is probably one of the most sought after targets in the UK. This currently has a minimum size limit of 42cm and there's also an outright ban on catching this fish between December and March. Outside of those times, spearos and anglers alike are allowed to keep up to two bass per day (this has increased for 2020 after the EU Council of Ministers agreed a new catch limit).
So in short, it’s perfectly legal to spearfish in the UK in the day, in the right areas, subject to any restrictions concerning minimum fish size, catch limits and species that aren’t permitted.
Do I need a licence to spearfish in the UK?
No, you don’t need any sort of licence or permit to spearfish in the UK. There are however a few restrictions to keep in mind.
You can only spearfish in tidal areas, i.e. along the UK coastline – you must not spearfish in freshwater (lakes, rivers etc). You must also avoid the few protected marine areas that exist in the UK which are breeding grounds for young fish.
You must also abide by the same laws that apply to anglers regarding minimum fish size, catch limits and species. For example, sea bass – one of the most popular choices – has a minimum size of 42cm. You cannot catch sea bass between December and March. Outside those months, you can catch and keep up to two sea bass a day.
Finally, you can only spearfish during the day - thanks to an EU law that was introduced in 2019, spearfishing at night is forbidden.
So in short – no, you don’t need a licence to spearfish in the UK but if you’re new to spearfishing, make sure you learn about the various restrictions and limits that apply. Taking a course can be a great place to start. If after researching you can’t find the answer to something, join a facebook group such as @spearfishingUK @TotalSpearfishing or @ukspearfishingbuddies where you’ll find a lot of friendly spearos only too happy to help.
You can find all the sizing and info on your local IFCA website (inshore fisheries and conservation authority) for example for everyone in Cornwall https://www.cornwall-ifca.gov.uk/Recreational
Do I need a permit to spearfishing in the UK?
You don't need a permit or any sort of licence to spearfish in the UK. You just need to abide by all the laws and bylaws of which there are not many.
For example, if you want to catch sea bass, you must abide by the same laws that apply to anglers. You cannot catch any sea bass between the months of December and March.
Outside of those months, the minimum size is 42cm, and you may only catch/keep two sea bass per day.
You can spearfish all along the coast without a permit – just avoid the few protected marine areas. You cannot spearfish in rivers, lakes or other freshwater sites.
Aside from these few restrictions, please do remember that a speargun has the potential to be a very dangerous weapon can cause a lot of damage. Treat it with respect and care, educate yourself, take a course, watch YouTube videos, get involved with local clubs, join the BSA and find a buddy to dive with.
Spearfishing is such a niche sport that it’s important we enjoy it sensibly and act responsibly, to maintain the good name that spearos have. If people start acting irresponsibly – hunting on densely populated beaches for example – it will just be a matter of time before we are all subject to the burden of licenses and permits. This is something we’d rather avoid wherever we can!
Is it legal to own a speargun in the UK?
Yes, it's legal to own a speargun in the UK. However, keep in mind that spearguns and spears can be dangerous weapons if used improperly. You should act responsibly and within the law at all times.
Can I travel abroad with a speargun?
Yes you can travel abroad with a speargun. Most UK spearos after a good few years of hunting in the UK will want to sharpen their teeth on some bigger game fish abroad. I personally travel regularly abroad with all my equipment, taking it with me to various destinations and there's no issue with it.
You can see on the Gov.uk website that whilst spearguns are never allowed in hand luggage (no surprise), the question of whether they are allowed in the hold (checked luggage) is down to the individual airline - see https://www.gov.uk/hand-luggage-restrictions/sports-equipment
There's actually a dcument on the gov website that stipulates that its allowed to rravel abroad with spearguns
Can I take a speargun on a plane?
If you're planning a trip abroad and wondering whether you can take your speargun on the plane, the answer's a little more complex than yes or no. It's legal to travel abroad with spearguns - see https://www.gov.uk/hand-luggage-restrictions/sports-equipment
However, some individual airlines have a policy whereby they won't allow you take them on board - so check with the airline before you book. For those that permit you to fly with a speargun, they have to be checked into the hold - they can't go in hand luggage, for obvious reasons!
So do check with the individual airline BEFORE you book a flight. However, most people will not declare a speargun as a speargun or spearfishing equipment, because the word gun just sets off alarm bells with everyone related to working with airlines! So what most people do is just declare it as fishing equipment or dive equipment and this seems to work perfectly fine. Another common method that spearos use is to detach the spear from the actual speargun and take the rubbers off and pack it all separately so it looks as less threatening as possible when it goes through the scanners.
Just be be advised that you can run into headaches with it on occasion but so far personally, I've never had an issue, although I know some people have. I'd recommend downloading and printing off a copy of the .gov document which stipulates it's allowed to take spearguns on planes and just take that with you because if you come across a member of staff who doesn't really understand the sport and the situation, they might just put a blanket ban on everything so it's well worth having that with you.
Is spearfishing in the UK with scuba equipment legal?
Spearfishing with scuba equipment is now banned across the E.U. since new laws were implemented in September 2019.
Are there any min sizes or catch limits?
Yes, there are min sizes for almost all fish and catch limits. For example Bass is 2 fish a day at a min size of 42cm and a closed season which lasts from Feb 1st to April 1st.
The full details can be found on your local IFCA website such as ours in Cornwall https://www.cornwall-ifca.gov.uk/Recreational - there is a pdf you can also view specifically for Bass