Please note the below rules in relation to the Spearfishing UK Affiliate Programme. They must be followed at all times, unless prior agreement has been made with Spearfishing UK in writing. Any infringement of these rules may see the affiliate suspended and all commissions removed.
Brand Terms
For the purpose of these terms, the ‘Brand Terms’ means:
- Spearfishing UK
For the avoidance of doubt, this includes all mis-spellings and variations.
Website URLs
Affiliates must not include the Brand Terms in the sub-domain of their website’s URL. For example,
Affiliates must not purchase or own any domain names related to the Brand Terms and their variants in the URL. For example,
Affiliates may use correctly spelt Brand Terms after the domain of their website’s URL. For example,
Social Media
Affiliates must not post on any social media account that is owned or managed by Spearfishing UK to drive traffic to their webpage. This includes but is not limited to:
Affiliates must not include in any post at any time our social media handles, for example “@spearfishingUK”.
Pay Per Click
Affiliates are not permitted to bid on any Brand Terms.
For the avoidance of doubt, no bidding is allowed on Brand Term + discount related search terms. For example, “Spearfishing UK discount codes”
Affiliates may not use the below words in their adverts:
Affiliates must not imply in any way that they are a dealer of any of Spearfishing UK’s individual product brands (example: Rob Allen, Epsealon).
Commission rates
Commission is paid on new Customer Orders.
The current default Commission rate is 10%. Both Postage and VAT is disregarded when calculating commissions.
Typically a 30 day cookie is set on the user’s machine.
We may agree an individual Commission rate with you (for example, if you are generating a higher than typical volume of sales for us).
If we change the Commission Rate, we will publish the new rate on our site for a minimum of 7 days before it comes into effect.
Standard linking
If you use standard affiliate links, you will need to generate a special referral link that includes your affiliate ID.
Direct linking
Affiliates can enter their domain (or domains) into their Affiliate Area on our site. Once they have submitted a domain for approval, and it is approved by the site administrator, the affiliate can link directly to our site, from theirs, without using a custom referral link.
When a visitor clicks the link on the affiliate’s website and arrives on our site, the domain is looked up in the database. If the domain belongs to an affiliate, that affiliate’s ID is stored in the browser’s cookies, just like a normal affiliate link.
Discount Codes
Commission is not payable if the customer uses a voucher code, unless that voucher code has been specifically created for affiliate promotions.
In this section:
‘Competitors’ means websites or retail premises that sell products or services that are identical to those we sell or have the same use or purpose.
‘Competitor Products’ means products or services sold by our Competitors that are identical to those we sell or have the same use or purpose.
Affiliates agree that whilst they are an Affiliate of Spearfishing Limited, they shall not directly or indirectly recommend Competitors or Competitor Products, or work with Competitors in connection with the supply of Competitor Products.
Acceptance and termination
We reserve the right to refuse any application for an affiliate account without offering a reason.
We reserve the right to suspend or terminate any affiliate account where an affiliate has breached our terms and conditions.
We reserve the right to close our affiliate programme and in this event, we will give 7 days notice on our website.
Please also see our Privacy Policy which applies to any data that you share with us.